March 15, 2021



Cataract Comanagement: Relationships Get Results

Learn to cultivate the interprofessional bonds that are at the heart of a productive pairing of OD-MD colleagues.


Cataract Comanagement: Relationships Get Results

Learn to cultivate the interprofessional bonds that are at the heart of a productive pairing of OD-MD colleagues.

Contact Lenses

Don’t Let OSD Compromise Contact Lens Success

Be proactive and manage the ocular surface upfront in order to ensure patient satisfaction.

Dry Eye

Comprehending, Catching and Correcting MGD

Keep up with the continual advancements in treatment to better serve your patients.

Don’t Let OSD Compromise Contact Lens Success

Be proactive and manage the ocular surface upfront in order to ensure patient satisfaction.


A Glaucoma Starter Kit: Gear up for Clinical Care

Learn the steps needed to elevate the management of these patients.


No Pain, All Gain: Neuropathic Pain in Practice

Bridging the difficulty in diagnosing a condition that is felt, not seen, can make a world of difference in a patient’s life.

Systemic Disease

Vaccines and Vulnerable Eyes: What to Look For

Rare but on the rise, conditions that could be prevented by inoculation should be part of your differential.

Vaccines and Vulnerable Eyes: What to Look For

Rare but on the rise, conditions that could be prevented by inoculation should be part of your differential.

Systemic Health

Vaccines and Vulnerable Eyes: What to Look For

Rare but on the rise, conditions that could be prevented by inoculation should be part of your differential.

Vaccines and Vulnerable Eyes: What to Look For

Rare but on the rise, conditions that could be prevented by inoculation should be part of your differential.



New Year, New Me

COVID-19 has spared me thus far, so I guess it’s time I start living my best life.

Clinical Quandaries


A bacterial infection or retained punctal plug could be the cause of this patient’s epiphora.

Coding Connection

Keep Order in Your Sights

Maintaining your process and sequence is important for peace of mind.

Cornea and Contact Lens Q & A

One Bird, Two Stones

Here’s what’s likely to happen when you combine CXL and Intacs to treat keratoconus.

Diagnostic Quiz

Double Trouble

Examination of a hypertensive patient reveals worrisome retinal vascular findings. What might be the cause?


Changing the Culture

OD-MD cooperation succeeds when there’s mutual trust and respect. Expect it—but earn it, too.

Retina Quiz

Dead Spot

Determine what underlying condition is associated with these lesions.

The Essentials

Wild and Woolly

Take a closer look at how cotton wool spots manifest.

Through My Eyes

Go Deep on DED

With new tools and techniques flourishing, now’s the time to expand your skill set and offerings.

Urgent Care

Fish Out of Water

A patient presenting with a unique-looking floater needed our help to figure out how to proceed.