Diagnostic Quiz

Can you discern the causes of these unusual clinical presentations? By Andrew S. Gurwood, OD

Film at 11

Slit lamp exam shows evidence of a potential media opacity. What could it be?

A Pigmentation Puzzle

When you see a suspicious lesion, do you have a plan for assessment and monitoring?

Two for One

What should you consider when a patient reports a history of blunt ocular trauma?

A Clouded View of Post-op Recovery

A patient with a complex posterior segment history presents with new anterior segment findings. What’s happening and why?

Sugar Crash

Significant corneal concerns and a collapsed anterior chamber manifested in this patient. What conditions should be considered?

The Enemy Within

A patient presents with anterior uveitis as well as several systemic conditions, plus retinal detachment. What’s going on?

The Ol' Switcheroo

Blurring of central vision indicated to the patient—and us—that something was amiss. Do you know what happened?

Peaked Interest

A patient expressed concern about a pupil abnormality. What’s the appropriate workup? How should you triage the case?

Toxic Relationship

A patient requires ongoing therapy to manage several systemic conditions. Does this make her eyesight vulnerable?

The Ears Have It

A connection with the eyes can be present in more ways than one.