Diagnostic Quiz

Can you discern the causes of these unusual clinical presentations? By Andrew S. Gurwood, OD

History Lesson

How to proceed when a patient’s report of their medical status doesn’t match your clinical assessment.

What’s Your Angle?

A patient comes in with IOP of 65mm Hg and 20/400 vision. How do you arrive at a diagnosis and address her urgent needs?

Medication Mishap

A complex case goes awry after beginning a new therapy. Can you sort out what happened and how to document it?

Oh, That’s Catchy!

Is this a case of garden-variety red eye or something potentially more troubling?

Know When to Fold ’em

Do the findings here provide a definitive diagnosis, or merely a clue to the full story?

Nothing’s Up

What could this case of prominent ptosis signify about the patient’s overall systemic health?

A Spot of Trouble

No one wants to see a dark patch in the posterior segment. What factors in this case might help you weigh its significance?

Better Never Than Late?

A patient undergoes a seemingly uneventful cataract operation—then things take a turn for the worse.

That’s Swell of You

A complex medical history complicates assessment of a recent-onset red eye.

A Bump in the Road

Even when a patient’s concern is cosmetic in nature, be sure to rule out systemic involvement.