Systemic Disease

The Eye/Kidney Connection

Be vigilant for the ocular presentations of oculoretinal syndromes and renal disease.

Vaccines and Vulnerable Eyes: What to Look For

Rare but on the rise, conditions that could be prevented by inoculation should be part of your differential.

Vaccines and Vulnerable Eyes: What to Look For

Rare but on the rise, conditions that could be prevented by inoculation should be part of your differential.

Racing the Rundle Against Thyroid Eye Disease

A new clinical approach to this condition may give patients a fighting chance at recovery.

The Optometrist and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Learn to keep your snoring patients’ increased risk of disease from keeping you up at night.

My Patient Has Scleritis...Now What?

The initial diagnosis may be quick, but that’s only the beginning. Follow these steps to discover the root cause and set yourself on the right track for a successful outcome.

Systemic Disease Rising to the Surface

Keep an eye out for findings that might implicate these conditions during your anterior segment examination.

Graft-vs.-host Disease: How, Why and What Next

Dry eye is rampant in this population, and other complications abound.

Upcoming Events

2019 Conference Planner

Intrepid Presents: Innovations and Implementations in Practice
Location: Renaissance Newport Beach
Program Co-chairs: Nathan Lighthizer, OD, FAAO and John D. Gelles, OD, FIAO, FCLSA
Earn 14 LIVE COPE Credits (approval pending)

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care

Establishing a Partnership in the Effective Management of Patients with Diabetic Retinal Disease
Location: The Palm Chicago
Speakers: Steven Ferrucci, OD, FAAO, and Dilsher Dhoot, MD
7:30–8:30pm CST

Sponsored by Regeneron

Register here

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