December 15, 2010


Case Report

Tips To Treat Toxoplasmosis

Ocular toxoplasmosis is a chronic infection that can cause significant damage. But, appropriate testing and patient management can limit its impact on your patients’ vision.


Experts Weigh in on Presbyopic Contact Lenses

Contact lens specialists offer fitting pearls and discuss their “go-to” lenses for patients with compromised near vision.

Get to Know your PALs

A step up from standard bifocals and trifocals, progressive addition lenses are an attractive option for many presbyopes. Here is a look at some of the latest designs.

Past, Present and Future of Presbyopia Treatment

Three things in this life are inevitable: death, taxes—and presbyopia. New innovations are on the horizon to help with the latter.

Profiles in Excellence

Working in a Coal Mine

The worst day I’ve ever had as an optometrist is a thousand times better than the best day I ever had in the coal mines.



'Let There Be Light'

My patients, as a whole, want to see—and believe it or not, they do want to see more than just the labels on Coors Light or Marlboro Lights.

Clinical Quandaries

Gone Fishin'

Mucus fishing syndrome may be more common than you think. Optometrists can diagnose and manage it appropriately.

Coding Connection

Old, New, Borrowed and Blue

Like a marriage, health care compliance changes this year have been for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer.

Cornea and Contact Lens Q & A

Edema Linked to Parkinson's?

Discontinuation of amantadine may reverse the endothelial damage caused by the drug.

Diagnostic Quiz

Glaucoma Grand Rounds

Know Your Surgeon

When referring a glaucoma patient for SLT or ALT, be sure you and the surgeon are in complete agreement regarding perioperative care.

News Review


Winding Down and Gearing Up

There’s plenty to reflect on from 2010. And, overall, optometry can be proud.

Retina Quiz

Subtle, But Significant

This patient reported a 10-year history of visual acuity reduction in his right eye. Look closely, or you may miss the underlying cause.

Therapeutic Review

Could Less Be More?

In recent years, several ophthalmic drugs have been reformulated with lower active drug concentrations. But, does less medication translate to less efficacy?