Case Report

Multimodal Imaging of Choroidal Melanoma with Submacular Fluid

While rare, arm yourself with the techniques needed to detect this dangerous condition.

Diagnosis of Bilateral, Combined Hamartomas of the Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelium in a Pediatric Patient

All individuals with these lesions require careful eye examinations and a detailed case history.

The Larry Alexander Resident Case Report Contest: When and How To Treat Optic Disc Pit Maculopathy

This rare presentation has both medical and surgical treatment options. Be prepared with comprehensive knowledge of both.

Weak in the Knees: Miller Fisher Syndrome

While rare, this Guillain-Barré variant has distinct clinical characteristics, and good outcomes often prevail.

Orbital Mucormycosis On the Attack

Not all cellulitis cases are what they seem. Know when you may be facing this rare but ravaging pathogen before it’s too late.

Conditions in Context: Ventilator-induced Proptosis

Not all cases of ‘the bulge’ result from of autoimmune disease, trauma or tumor. Sometimes ocular conditions arise in the context of emergent circumstances.

Eyeing a Dx of IOIS: Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment

When a patient presents with eyelid edema, proptosis and even diplopia, it’s time to exclude, exclude, exclude—leading you to a diagnosis of orbital pseudotumor.

Pattern Recognition: How to Identify and Confirm Multifocal Pattern Dystrophy

This rare condition can be difficult to diagnose. Learn the important differentials and fundamental tools to get your patient on the track to proper management.

The Swollen Optic Disc: Is this an Emergency?

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a diagnosis of exclusion.

‘Doctor, I Have Mountains in My Eyes’

Suspicious retinal lesions indicate idiopathic sclerochoroidal calcification in an elderly patient.

Upcoming Events

2019 Conference Planner

Intrepid Presents: Innovations and Implementations in Practice
Location: Renaissance Newport Beach
Program Co-chairs: Nathan Lighthizer, OD, FAAO and John D. Gelles, OD, FIAO, FCLSA
Earn 14 LIVE COPE Credits (approval pending)

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care

Establishing a Partnership in the Effective Management of Patients with Diabetic Retinal Disease
Location: The Palm Chicago
Speakers: Steven Ferrucci, OD, FAAO, and Dilsher Dhoot, MD
7:30–8:30pm CST

Sponsored by Regeneron

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