Annual Retina Report

Stroke of the Eye: Are You Prepared?

When retinal arterial occlusion strikes, you and the patient have only a few hours to act if you want the best odds of preserving vision.

How to Stay One Step Ahead of AMD

New diagnostic tools can help you ID suspects and initiate preventative measures.

A Field Guide to Retinal Holes and Tears

Review the clinical appearance of these elusive conditions.

Identify and Manage Retinal Vascular Tumors

This rare presentation can lead to a larger systemic diagnosis, if you know what to look for.

Recognizing Abnormal Vasculature

A guide to following and educating patients who face this class of sight-threatening diagnoses.

Well, Folks, That’s a RAP

Just because a patient reports no symptoms, that doesn’t mean they have no problems.

Managing Patients With Hypertensive Crisis

Uncontrolled blood pressure can cause visual disturbances as well as headaches. Here’s how to recognize the signs.

Food for Thought: Diet, Genetics and AMD

Is genetic testing prior to AMD supplementation indicated by AREDS data? A nutritionist OD takes a detailed look at this long-running debate

Diabetic Retinopathy by the Numbers

A guide to following and educating patients who face this sight-threatening diagnosis.

Know Your Retinal Breaks, Tears and Holes

Learn to better recognize posterior segment damage and minimize patient risk.