October 15, 2005


Contact Lenses

Myopia Correction Takes a New Shape

Here are some of the latest designs and fitting pearls for corneal reshaping, plus a look at who the best candidates are for this modality.

Patient Care

Disorder Has Patients 'Seeing Things'

Charles Bonnet syndrome may affect a large portion of your patients, but you’ll never know, unless you educate yourself, and them, about it.

Tackle Extreme Clinical Cases

Here are three extreme cases that you should know how to handle. This special feature is based on a presentation by optometrist Alan G. Kabat, at Review’s SnowVision conference in March 2005.

Practice Management

Manage Your Office By the Numbers

Pay close attention to how much money flows out of your office and where it goes to avoid serious financial trouble.



Let's Put the Fun Back in Refund

Some patients are just asking for it. A refund, that is. Why does this happen to us? You’ll never hear a patient ask a proctologist for a refund.

Clinical Quandaries

Elongated Pupil Looks Fishy

A patient reports episodes of an unusual, vertically elongated pupil. Is it for real? If so, is it serious?

Cornea and Contact Lens Q & A

Why the Soap Lid Scrub Snub?

Here’s why some practitioners choose hot compresses over shampoo lid scrubs for treating blepharitis and meibomianitis.

Diagnostic Quiz

Letters to the Editor

Meetings and Conferences

News Review

Katrina Destroys O.D.s' Offices, Homes

Hundreds of optometrists have been affected. Many lost everything but hope.


How to Hit a Home Run

My husband says everything in life can be compared to baseball. Even optometry.

Product Review

Retina Quiz

Will Patient Lose Second Eye?

Female with prosthetic right eye now has visual loss and unusual fundus findings in the left eye.

Therapeutic Review

An Antibiotic Anthology

Ocular antibiotics have represented and will continue to represent a substantial tool in our armamentarium.