December 15, 2006


Patient Care

A Clinical Guide to Retinopathy of Prematurity

Research in the diagnosis and treatment of ROP has greatly enhanced our knowledge of the disease.

Practice Transitions

Part VI: Riding Into the Sunset

Many optometrists have discovered that if they can find a way to stay on the horse without having to manage the stable, “retirement” can be sweet indeed.


CK on the Continuum Of Refractive Care

NearVision conductive keratoplasty is one of the myriad options for presbyopic patients. Here’s what you should know about the procedure.

A Scientific Approach To PAL Options

Recent studies take some of the guesswork out of fitting progressive addition lenses and help match the lens to the patient.

Multifocal Contacts Make Headway

At least one study indicates that patients prefer the vision these lenses offer to that provided by monovision.



Rock, Paper, Scissors

The rock? My kumquat-sized kidney stone. The paper? The wad of cash I’ve spent to get rid of it. The scissors? Oh, I got my hair cut by a maniac.

Cornea and Contact Lens Q & A

When Myco goes Psycho

Why has atypical mycobacterium been found in LASIK patients, and how should we manage these patients?

Diagnostic Quiz

Glaucoma Grand Rounds

Which is Worse: One or Two?

A normotensive patient presents with Drance hemorrhages in both eyes. Suspected systemic disease adds to the reasons to treat her for glaucoma.

Meetings and Conferences

News Review


An ‘Up-Close’ Look at Presbyopia

Early adoption of presbyopic contact lenses and refractive surgery occurred a decade ago. This technology has since become the standard, and patients prefer it.

Product Review

Retina Quiz

Vision Loss Follows Hyperopia

Patient also exhibits retinal changes in both eyes on dilated fundus exam and radial lines on fluorescein angiography.

Therapeutic Review

Put Out the Fires of MS

Today, we have an array of “hoses” to combat this disease.