Annual ARVO Report

ARVO: Cornea

From improved transplant procedures to scleral and bandage lenses, this year’s research focused on optimized corneal health.

ARVO: Glaucoma

Researchers presented fresh data on new structural metrics, visual fields, blood flow and the latest glaucoma drug.

ARVO: Retina

It’s an exciting time in the retina field. Researchers at ARVO 2013 reported on newly identified genetic factors in AMD and novel treatments for the disease, as well as FDA approval of a retinal prosthesis for RP and a new anti-VEGF agent for wet

ARVO: Cataract & Refractive Surgery

Much of this year’s research focused upon surgical refinement and improved postoperative care.

14th Annual Report from ARVO

Topics covered at this year’s meeting range from corneal transplant outcomes to the eagerly-awaited results of AREDS2.


Findings this year include the results of new therapeutic regimens, the advances in imaging, and a greater understanding of the genetics behind AMD.

Cataract & Refractive Surgery

This year at ARVO, investigators present findings on cataract surgery risks, the importance of good nutrition and IOL-based drug delivery systems.


This year’s research includes studies on possible new dry eye indicators and treatments, contact lens solution efficacy and the lifelong impact of keratoconus.


This year, researchers present their findings on gene mapping, the relation of blood flow to the glaucomatous process and surgical success rates.

Upcoming Events

2019 Conference Planner

Intrepid Presents: Innovations and Implementations in Practice
Location: Renaissance Newport Beach
Program Co-chairs: Nathan Lighthizer, OD, FAAO and John D. Gelles, OD, FIAO, FCLSA
Earn 14 LIVE COPE Credits (approval pending)

Register here

Special Conference: Technologies & Treatments in Eye Care

Establishing a Partnership in the Effective Management of Patients with Diabetic Retinal Disease
Location: The Palm Chicago
Speakers: Steven Ferrucci, OD, FAAO, and Dilsher Dhoot, MD
7:30–8:30pm CST

Sponsored by Regeneron

Register here

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