The News Feed

Vision Care

Disparities in Eye Care Found Among North American Natives

This patient population was found to have higher ophthalmic claim rates, yet lower service levels, than non-Hispanic whites.
December 31, 2021

Needs of Visually Impaired are Unmet in Clinics

Fewer than 10% of physicians nationwide provide basic accommodations for patients with significant visual limitations, survey finds.
December 20, 2021

Racial, Ethnic Minorities Report Feeling Less Respected

Surveyed patients indicated this was the case 23% of the time.
December 20, 2021

Gender, Race and Socioeconomics Factor into Eyecare Demand

Adding another ophthalmologist to a region in service didn’t translate into more office visits.
April 30, 2021

Recommend Strabismus Surgery as Early as Possible

Half of children aged 5 to 10 had poor surgical results at three years.
January 7, 2020

For Better Sleep, Dim the Lights—of Any Color

Intensity matters more than wavelength, study says.
December 31, 2019

Pseudostrabismus May Convert to True Strabismus

While the percentage of those impacted by both was low, surgical intervention seemed to be a likely course of action.
December 2, 2019

Stroke Can Leave Lasting Vision Problems

Central vision loss and ocular motility issues top the list.
July 8, 2019

Visual-motor Integration Tied to Academic Success

Clinical tests identifying school children at risk of underachieving aid in patient management
July 5, 2019

Eyes are Key For Communication With Severely Autistic

Research shows ocular reactions may provide new insight.
July 5, 2019