The News Feed


Current Vision Screening for Licensure Penalizes Older Drivers

A recent study found acuity to be an inadequate predictor of motor vehicle collision that may be taking more people than necessary off the road.
April 29, 2022

Poor Visual Processing Speed, Motion Perception Lower Driving Ability

Adults over age 70 had worse performance scores on the road if one or both of these functions was impaired.
April 8, 2022

Kids with Severe Cerebral VI Less Likely to be Prescribed Glasses

On the flipside, those with milder cases generally didn’t have significant refractive error warranting correction but still received a prescription for spectacle lenses, study finds.
September 24, 2021

Convergence Insufficiency Common in the Geriatric Population

Prevalence was higher than in most previous studies.
June 14, 2021

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Responsible for Vision Problems

Orientation difficulties predominated in a small study that found disorders in just over half of subjects.
May 27, 2021

Closer CS Test Needed for Patients with Low Vision

Study shows performance improved when viewing the chart from a nearer vantage point.
May 26, 2021

Post-concussion Oculomotor Screenings Fall Short

Associated vision problems may prolong recovery, and 70% of kids with TBI experience at least one.
May 21, 2021

US States Lack Consistent School Vision Screening Rules

Only six necessitated exams at least every two years, while a handful of others had no requirements at all.
May 20, 2021

VA Loss and Blindness Rates Higher Than Expected in US

New analysis indicates the issue is even more substantial than previously thought.
May 17, 2021

Vision Impairment Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

CDC researchers say clinical and lifestyle interventions to accommodate visual disabilities can help prevent heart disease.
May 17, 2021