The News Feed


iPhone Modification Allows Easier Demodex Diagnosis

Taping one or more discarded IOLs to a smartphone creates a quick and reliable screening tool well-suited for remote, underserved areas.
April 5, 2022

AI, Experts in Agreement on AMD Disease Activity

An autonomous system could play a key role in easing pressure on providers from an increasing number of patients expected in the future.
April 1, 2022

Next-gen Self-tonometer Cleared by FDA

The iCare Home2 allows IOP measurements to be taken even when a patient is lying down.
March 31, 2022

AMD Screening: There’s (Going to Be) an App for That

A real-time, at-home detection method for mobile devices may give patients a better chance of earlier diagnosis.
March 30, 2022

Many Seniors Miss Out on Assistive Apps for Low Vision

A clinical trial found that rather than being unwilling to use them, most elderly patients are simply unaware that these tools exist.
March 11, 2022

AI May Make Cataract Surgery Safer

Real-time, computer-generated feedback during procedures helps ophthalmologists prevent complications, study shows.
January 21, 2022

Use OCT-A to Confirm Macular Neovascularization in CSCR

Once an elevated RPE is observed, this technology allows for further evaluation of a patient’s disease status.
November 4, 2021

New Smartphone Optic Nerve Analyzer Catches Disease

The proof-of-concept platform uses deep neural networks to identify ONH changes with 97% accuracy, study finds.
July 8, 2021

Portable Visual Field Analyzer Shows Promise

The VisuAll demonstrated results comparable to SAP and may reduce the chances of patient-dependent artifacts.
April 13, 2021

New Language Options Enhance AMD Screenings

You can now conduct dark adaptation testing in seven different languages.
April 3, 2021