The News Feed


Can UV-Blocking Contacts Mitigate Presbyopia?

A recent study suggests small gains in amplitude of accommodation are possible.
April 21, 2022

Young Adults Fare Better With Multifocals than Presbyopes

Study shows center-near lenses do not degrade near VA significantly but maintain far vision in those with normal accommodative function.
March 24, 2022

Eye Drop for Presbyopia Moves Through Trials

Distance-corrected near visual acuity gains show the potential of this new method of correction.
October 12, 2020

Presbyopia Onset Earlier for East Asians Than Previously Thought

Age and education factors for higher add power.
December 6, 2018

Monovision A Good Option for Presbyopic Correction

New devices and techniques produce promising results.
June 25, 2018

Global Unmet Need for Presbyopia Correction Reaches 45%

An estimated 826 million have vision impairment due to a simple lack of correction.
May 18, 2018