The News Feed

Low Vision

Many Seniors Miss Out on Assistive Apps for Low Vision

A clinical trial found that rather than being unwilling to use them, most elderly patients are simply unaware that these tools exist.
March 11, 2022

Low Vision Rehabilitation Improves Quality of Life

Combining psychological therapies with methods of overcoming deficits helped improve function and well-being, meta-analysis says.
June 16, 2021

Depression Common Among Patients with Visual Impairment

One in four patients were affected by this condition.
June 4, 2021

See with the Brain: Neurostimulation for the Blind

Future cortical visual prostheses may be able to create retinal maps that bypass the eyes entirely.
May 20, 2021

Home Lighting Improvements May Reduce Falls in Elderly

Vision impairment is among the top risk factors, but brighter environments can help, study finds.
May 18, 2021

Caregivers to Visually Impaired Elderly Suffer Greater Emotional Demands

These individuals devoted 36% more hours than those who looked after older people without visual issues.
April 26, 2021

Cancer Screening Less Common in Visually Impaired Elderly

Older Americans with self-reported vision problems were less likely to undergo breast and colon cancer screening.
November 16, 2020

Mild Low Vision Care Barriers Revealed

Patient perception and access to the right equipment top the list.
January 27, 2020

Patients Wary of Low Vision Products

Social stigma and the fear of losing a job topped the list of reasons these tools gather dust.
October 9, 2019

Two New Tests for Low Vision

One is faster to administer and the other works in more patients.
May 24, 2019