The News Feed


Alabama Scope Bill Fails to Pass the House

The legislation would’ve allowed the state’s ODs to perform various in-office procedures. Advocates vow to retrench and try again.
April 21, 2022

Virginia ODs Can Now Perform Laser Surgery

Similar bills make legal strides in Colorado and Utah, while Washington state will need to resubmit next year.
March 11, 2022

Several States Launch Scope Expansion Bills into Play

Virginia and Utah are pushing to add laser privileges for their ODs.
January 31, 2022

Congress Calls for Tightened Scrutiny on Questionable DTC Tactics

The House members specifically cited media reports that suggest Hubble Contacts skirted federal regulations by using older materials and switching Rx lenses for other brands.
January 3, 2022

CA, NY Win Expanded Scope of Practice Authorities

California optometrists can now treat all non-cancerous anterior segment conditions and permanently administer COVID vaccines, while New York ODs gained oral med Rx privileges.
October 27, 2021

Major Eye Disorders Represent Growing Burden on Medicare

More than 40% of the enrolled population is affected by ocular conditions and the numbers are increasing.
October 12, 2021

UN Adopts New Eye Care Resolution

International effort will attempt to mitigate preventable sight loss affecting over one billion people worldwide.
July 23, 2021

Congress’s Medicare Vision Expansion Bill Back in Action

The proposed legislation would cover the costs for annual visits and materials.
July 15, 2021

Delay of Final Contact Lens Rule Requested by Congress

The two-month window may offer ODs more time to get their EHRs up-to-date to comply with the bill’s requirements.
January 20, 2021

VA Director Ousted, Replacement Named

The White House physician will take the reins of the agency.
March 29, 2018