The News Feed


Mask-associated Dry Eye Rate 70% Among Healthcare Providers

Given its high prevalence in light of COVID, efforts to address this condition are necessary.
March 23, 2022

Higher Cataract Complication Rate Found After COVID Slowdown

Authors of a recent study speculate that surgeons lost some of their edge from lack of practice.
February 14, 2022

Mask Taping Reduces Ocular Surface Issues

Symptom improvement was reported by 68% of healthcare workers after an eight-hour shift wearing an N95.
January 19, 2022

Heat Warmers Minimize Slit Lamp Lens Fogging Caused by Mask Wear

Unheated ophthalmic lenses fogged about 33% of the time compared with just 1% when lenses were warmed up, study shows.
January 13, 2022

Eye Surgeries Declined During COVID-19

This happened during the early phase of the pandemic and included elective procedures such as cataract removal, laser peripheral iridotomy, laser trabeculoplasty and blepharoplasty.
December 31, 2021

RVO Not Associated with COVID-19

After analyzing 17 case reports that assumed a causal relationship, researchers found holes in the evidence to debunk the claims.
December 24, 2021

Post-vaccine Inflammation May Induce Corneal Transplant Rejection

These patients face a heightened risk due to enhanced immune response against foreign tissue.
December 13, 2021

COVID-19 Can Cause Corneal Neuropathy

This infection shares similar symptomatology and morphological landmarks of dry eye disease and diabetic neuropathy, study finds.
November 24, 2021

COVID-19 Health Initiatives Contributed to Decline in Conjunctivitis

Study shows there was a 37% decrease in emergency department encounters during the same time social distancing and travel restrictions were implemented.
November 23, 2021

COVID-19 Causes Severe Subclinical Retinal Abnormalities

Researchers say it’s likely that the virus is transmitted through direct infection of ocular tissue.
November 9, 2021