The News Feed

Contact Lenses

Older Contact Lens Candidates Could Use More Guidance

Only 25% of those studied wore multifocal lenses; the rest seemed amenable to additional counseling and instruction on the option.
April 22, 2022

Can UV-Blocking Contacts Mitigate Presbyopia?

A recent study suggests small gains in amplitude of accommodation are possible.
April 21, 2022

Mild Adverse Events Common in Young Contact Lens Wearers

Cases were unlikely to be severe or cause discontinuation of use.
April 15, 2022

​​Reducing Scleral Lens Thickness Doesn’t Decrease Corneal Edema

If using this modality with a Dk≥100 lens, reduce fluid reservoir thickness instead.
April 8, 2022

Epithelial Thinning Can Occur from Soft, Hard, Mini Scleral Lenses

In patients with keratoconus, the effect may be more prominent.
April 5, 2022

Vision, Comfort Remain Top Indicators of Contact Lens Satisfaction

Study shows poor handling at the time of application can play a major role in overall dissatisfaction.
March 10, 2022

Allergy-Fighting Contact Lens Approved

Johnson & Johnson says its new Acuvue Theravision provides relief in as little as three minutes.
March 2, 2022

CL Wearers Understand Importance of Hygiene, But Don’t Care

Strategies need to be explored through reinforced reminders and improved patient-practitioner communication to translate risk awareness to better compliant practices.
February 24, 2022

Dual-focus Contact Lenses Help Reduce Myopia Progression

Nearly one-third of the slowed eye growth could be attributed to patient age, study shows.
February 3, 2022

Keratoconus Management Prioritizes Corneal GP Lenses

Still, scleral wear increased over the past decade in cases of more advanced disease, providing good VA, researchers said.
January 27, 2022