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Cataract Surgery

Longer Cataract Surgeries No Worse Than Short Ones Post-Op

However, increased procedure duration was linked to a greater need for YAG capsulotomy.
April 20, 2022

Post-op ATR Astigmatic Shift Associated with Aging

After undergoing small-incision cataract surgery, postoperative astigmatism was present even after 20 years.
April 7, 2022

Macular OCT Greatly Improves Pre-op Cataract Assessment

Relying only on slit lamp ophthalmoscopy misses about half of all maculopathy cases, study says.
March 31, 2022

Retinal Thinning May Occur After FLACS

Study shows a consistent decrease in peripapillary thickness occurred after surgery.
March 25, 2022

Use Predicted Refractive Astigmatism to Estimate Post-Cataract Vision

This parameter was found to be more reliable for assessing toric IOL need than keratometry or total corneal astigmatism.
March 21, 2022

Cataract Surgeons Differ on Complication Reporting

Study highlights patterns of disclosing certain conditions linked to gender, experience and practice setting.
February 18, 2022

Higher Cataract Complication Rate Found After COVID Slowdown

Authors of a recent study speculate that surgeons lost some of their edge from lack of practice.
February 14, 2022

Mature Cataracts Obscure Retinal Pathology

Affected patients were more likely to have fellow eye involvement, study shows.
February 10, 2022

Intravitreal Injection Increases Risk of Capsular Rupture

Each shot increased the chances by 4%, but this only becomes clinically significant after 10 or more cumulative treatments, a meta-analysis says.
January 26, 2022

AI May Make Cataract Surgery Safer

Real-time, computer-generated feedback during procedures helps ophthalmologists prevent complications, study shows.
January 21, 2022