Surgical Minute

Concise overviews of surgical procedures geared to the comanaging optometrist, plus intraoperative videos. By Derek N. Cunningham, OD, and Walter O. Whitley, OD, MBA

Ring Me Up

The IC-8 IOL creates a permanent pinhole effect, improving the prospects for a monovision approach.

Those Pesky Floaters

Vitrectomy is a safe option to rid patients of vitreous opacities.

On the Bubble

Silicone vitrectomy helps save eyes with severe globe trauma.

Special Delivery

The Durysta implant eases glaucoma hassles—for a time.

A Promising Offspring

The new Synergy IOL combines the designs of two previous lenses in the same family.

IOP Control: Time to Play Offense?

Interventional glaucoma allows optometrists to minimize the treatment burden for our patients.

Build Back Better

When the corneal epithelium is compromised, sometimes the best approach is to let the eye start over with a clean slate.

A New Wave

Vivity, a non-diffractive lens, seeks to up the ante in premium IOL visual quality for presbyopia correction.

Combo Platter

This MIGS device combines a pair of glaucoma procedures to address three points of resistance.

Up Your ERM Referral Game

Innovations in instrumentation have made epiretinal membrane surgery a more viable option for many patients.