Identifying potentially successful GP wearers before the adaptation period can be tricky, but a new study suggests a screening tool called the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire may help in identifying patients who can tolerate this lens type. Conversely, the study found that lid margin sensitivity doesn’t play an important role in spontaneous GP lens comfort.

The investigation enrolled 34 individuals who were approximately 24 years old. At baseline, subjects responded to the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire, and their lid margin sensitivity was measured at the lid wiper of the upper and lower lids. The researchers determined GP lens parameters through corneal topography, with additional use of fluorescein simulation. During the second visit, patients wore the lenses for 40 minutes, and their lid wiper sensitivity measurements were taken during and after lens wear. Patients also rated their spontaneous lens comfort.

Sensory adaptation in the lid margin was shown to occur very promptly after the short period of GP wear, and the investigators found no correlation between baseline lid margin sensitivity and spontaneous lens comfort. This means that lid wiper sensitivity measurement prior to first GP lens insertion doesn’t give any indication of the expected level of lens comfort, the researchers explained.

The investigators noted a decrease in lid margin sensitivity after lens wear and a good correlation between the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire score and spontaneous lens comfort.

Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to monitor GP lens comfort throughout the adaptation period of several weeks, taking into consideration the motivation of subjects who want to wear these lenses, the study authors concluded.

Nosch DS, Joos RE, Müller D, et al. General pain perception sensitivity, lid margin sensitivity and gas permeable contact lens comfort. Clin Exp Optom. 2020;103(6):766-71.

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