Infuse daily contact lenses now come in a toric option for astigmatism.
Infuse daily contact lenses now come in a toric option for astigmatism. Photo: B+L. Click image to enlarge.

When patients complain of eye dryness during contact lens wear, clinicians may opt to prescribe a lens with a higher water content and other moisturizing properties to help keep the ocular surface lubricated. One such option on the market is the Infuse line of daily contact lenses from Bausch + Lomb, designed with a blend of osmoprotectants, electrolytes and moisturizers. Previously, these lenses were only offered with multifocal and spherical options, but earlier today, the company announced that it will be adding a toric lens to the lineup to accommodate patients with astigmatism.

The lens is made with kalifilon A and has a 55% water content and high breathability (107 Dk/t), according to the company. To help maintain ocular surface homeostasis, B+L says that Infuse for Astigmatism, similar to the entire Infuse family of lenses, is made with a combination of ingredients including moisturizers that are inspired by findings in the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society’s DEWS II report. Here’s what makes up the formula:

  • Erythritol and glycerin. These are osmoprotectants to help combat hyperosmotic stress.
  • Potassium, an electrolyte to promote ocular homeostasis.
  • Poloxamine 1107 and poloxamer 181, moisturizers that help the lens retain hydration and maintain tear proteins.

In the press release, B+L noted that the new toric lens is designed to provide precise vision across the power range and help reduce higher-order aberrations. Additionally, the company adds that the lens is engineered with a thin-edge design and stabilization feature to minimize lid interaction and disruption of the eye’s natural blink.

The company cited its own study in the press release finding that 95% of Infuse for Astigmatism lenses settled within 10 degrees within 30 seconds, and 97% had less than three degrees of rotation with blink and a mean comfort score of nearly 90%.

B+L says that it plans to start shipping Infuse for Astigmatism fitting sets to eyecare professionals in July 2024.

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